Homepages that sell means something more: eShopability.
This is why we don't just review home pages' usability, we also audit
them to make them fit the online business model of the site: Sales machine,
customer centric, focus site...
Reviews generally take a few weeks.
will be delivered a complete written report with a detailed presentation
of our analyses and advice as well as
the specific impact they might have on your online success:
eShopability score of your home page.
eShopability specific problems with your online positioning (sales machine
site, customer centric site, focus site...).
Directions and recommended strategies to help you transform your visitors
into buyers.
US$5,000 for the eShopability review of a homepage.
To order:
Please contact
us by clicking
here if you would like more information or are interested
in this "homepage that sells" audit.
Carton is member of the UPA
(Usability Professionals' Association)